Narrative Coaching for Teams
Federate the working communities around the stories that bring them together!
Any working community is a social group united by common histories and values.
Team cohesion is undermined when differentiated stories take precedence over stories that bring people together.

Why is this coaching process is exactly what your team needs ?
Your business operates in an environment of increasing complexity. You always have to do more with limited resources. Your teams are faced with the complexity of permanent transformation.
It is difficult to maintain motivation in the teams. Faced with operational constraints, you feel resistance to change. Sometimes you yourself are not very convinced of the relevance of these changes. Basically, you feel that you are between a rock and a hard place.
Projects increasingly require transversality. However, transversality cannot be decreed. It is a new way of operating which raise concerns, even fears. You see tensions appearing within the team and with other work groups.

Ironically, in facing increasing complexity and operational demands, you need all the commitment, creativity, and the highest degree of cohesion from your team.
You are faced with too many variables and you no longer know what to do to bring cohesion to your teams.
Obviously, you have already tried EVERYTHING!!
You are not at the first reflection on the subject!!
You have experienced many things:
- Business seminars
- Change management consultants who made long lists of empty recommendations
- Team coaching: you experienced everything!! Paintball, escape games, wine tasting!
These different means have brought some improvement but the cohesion is not lasting.
But what is bred in the bone come out in the flesh!
Dare a new approach!
Go for a narrative team coaching.

An approach that brings your teams together and allows you to build a collective identity based on shared stories and values.
An approach that no longer sees resistance to change as a threat but as an opportunity for dialogue and sustainable co-construction of the transformation.
An approach that allows you to initiate a change dynamic based on complementarity and on individual and collective talents.
Photo : 123rf - everythingpossible